- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Jodi

I Used To Work As A Research Assistant

What attracted you to

Throughout my academic career, I've watched friends of mine fall victim to paper mills. These websites sell the same prewritten papers over and over and offer no real insight into the student's particular assignment. I like that offers students a chance to get personal feedback from an essay writer who is working exclusively for them, rather than producing a product to be resold. I have always held myself to the highest standard of work, so students never need to worry about purchasing plagiarized work. Everything I write is original and subjected to the highest standards of quality.

You seem confident in your work. What makes you so your clients will agree?

I've been writing, in one form or another, since I learned to read. As a child, my desk in school and my room at home were always filled with piles of rewrites because I was never satisfied unless it read well, sounded pleasing when read aloud and fully expressed whatever I was trying to get across. As I graduated to higher levels of education, this work ethic stayed with me. In one instance, I received an email from a former professor requesting permission to use one of my essays as a model for her freshman students. Such recognition reassures me that I have not been refining my craft in vain. Custom essay, term or research paper writing is a skill that is learned through practice and it is gratifying to be able to use this skill to the benefit of others.

Are there any projects you would not accept?

I carefully read the client's instructions and, if I feel I am able to write a quality paper, I will accept the project. I have strong essay research capabilities which allow me to write custom term papers on a multitude of subjects. However, if the depth of knowledge required is significantly beyond my own, I would rather refuse the assignment than turn out a sub par essay. For example, I would not feel comfortable writing with authority on complex mathematical theory. My areas of expertise include English Literature, Cinema, Psychology, Philosophy, and the Social Sciences.

Writing essays seems like a lot of extra work. Why do you do it?

I remember what it was like when all of my classes had major essays due at the same time. It was overwhelming and led to more than a little stress. In the race to complete every assignment, I often ran myself into the ground. I know more than one person who missed classes as a result of all-nighters or dropped classes, which otherwise might prove interesting and enriching, because of a hefty writing requirement. It's always been my experience that students learn based on how much effort they put into paying attention to lectures and familiarizing themselves with the material. If I can help relieve a part of the burden of writing, allowing them to function better in class, I feel like that is rewarding work. Who wouldn't want to get paid for doing something they enjoy?!

Do you have any experience writing academic papers, beyond your own personal work?

I have always made myself available to my friends and classmates for proofreading and editing. Professionally, I've worked as a research assistant and a couple of other research companies. In that capacity, I was responsible for organizing a lot of information into a concise, coherent format which involves the same process as traditional essay writing. A good essay writer knows how and where to find the information she needs, as well as how to present it in the most readable format. If all the criteria set for the essay are met, I feel it's been a successful project.

Thank you for your time.


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