- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Kacie

Intellectual Growth

Hi Kacie: Do you really enjoy doing your current job?

Immensely! After University I taught in high school but soon moved on to Book Keeping and eventually to International Trade Administration. What I realized after many years moving from job to job is that I remained mainly dissatisfied except when I had a nice book to read. Much reading produces a natural desire to write. So, yeah, I enjoy freelance writing just as I enjoy reading.

Apart from academic writing do you do any other writing?

I started off as an article writer and later started creative writing. I enjoy the challenge of creating a short story once in a while. Creative writing is really wonderful and satisfying but you can never really count on it to settle the bills. If you doubt me, ask George Orwell. Academic writing on the other hand is just as challenging. In addition, it offers a rare opportunity to learn and still get paid for it.

How do you benefit as an academic writer?

First, I get paid for what I do. As a writer, one quickly realizes that monetary considerations are secondary - it is the client's satisfaction that takes prominence. Yet what I consider the greatest advantage for the academic writer is the opportunity to grow intellectually. While I have specialist areas I could write on with my eyes closed, I believe I have the research skills that would enable me tackle topics I never heard about before. In a nutshell, every single day is an adventure on the road to intellectual growth.

How credible is an academic writer? Don't you guys just do copy paste jobs?

Any invention we have today is the result of years of painstaking research. What our Physicists are working on today might not be concluded in our lifetime. An academic writer appreciates that any progress in all areas of human endeavor is driven by building on what those who preceded us had started. Research shows the way to more research or new discoveries. Any writer who engages in copy paste work does a disservice both to him/herself and the respect that has rightfully been earned by scholars and researchers. An academic writer is therefore an honest hard working individual who knows that quality can only be achieved through hard work. The dishonesty associated woth plagiarism undermines scholarship. Fortunately, it is easily detected.

What makes you qualified to do the work you do?

I have always had the desire to write and I discovered how much we take for granted when I became a teacher. There are many people out there struggling to get their academic work in order. Yet all they need sometimes is direction after which they are able handle the challenges of scholarship on their own. My teaching experience and the academic pursuits I have engaged outside formal employment make me confident of my ability to produce quality work.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of academic writing?

The chance to gain new information and advance intellectually is the biggest advantage. Of course, there is satisfaction in knowing that your work has helped a client who did not have the time or the skills needed to carry out a certain task. Perhaps what comes to mind as the biggest disadvantage is the pressure under which an academic writer has to operate if s/he decides to take up the project. There are deadlines to meet without forgetting that all work you produce must meet certain quality standards. Fortunately, at CustomPapers I can 'deal' with my clients directly and reschedule assigned work as needed.

What would you say to people who say that academic writers are just like the literary critics who have been described as failed writers?

Anybody who considers an academic writer a failed writer is, of course, wrong. Academic writers have excelled in their areas of specialization and are comfortable dealing with many subjects outside the specialist areas. Moreover, many academic freelance writers are accomplished creative writers.

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