- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Ursula

Nursing, Public Health, and Medical Studies

When some of the few things get tough, you need to be tougher in God’s divine glory – This is my passion for success. I have been into several difficulties and mistakes, and luckily, I had passed my past challenges and still continue to go on with my life – continuing to learn. My childhood years were a bit awesome. I like to play any kind of sports like basketball, volleyball, soccer, and those activities that demands my body to move. I also like to play musical instruments like the guitar but for now, I am still learning how to be a pro. I’d like to try adventurous activities like mounting biking; mounting hiking; bungee jumping; and the ones that make your heart beat like it’s going to explode.

My high school years were not as active as I was in my past few years. I had been focusing into my academics and had been a student leader for one good year. Being a student leader, you need to be the model student for your fellow batch mates and undergraduates. Students may see you as someone that they should respect but you need to see to it that you are friendly and approachable so that you can create a harmonious relationship with them and with your teachers. My student leadership year was a blessing, not to mention that it was my first time to join a student government whose ideals rests of character, competence, and culture in harmony. I unlock myself to the possibility that I can be perhaps a good leader who can raise the moral of my fellow students. I engaged myself to every activities of socializing, maximizing my capabilities of having good communication. It was an honor to serve my school and it was an honor to learn more from them – how to understand them.

Then it was the time of graduation and I was thinking of pursuing a degree in Medical Services and that concludes my registration to a nursing school offering Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. It was a 4 – year course and it was certainly a tough one. The first two years were about learning the basics of the human body and how it functions. We are often demand to study and make reports about how every cell and tissue functions within our body. We had learned the basics and advancements in Human Biology, Human Chemistry, Nutrition, and Psychology. We are often encouraged by our teachers to learn these topics wholeheartedly because our future would soon really emphasize on helping save lives together with the other health care professionals within our medical industry.

The next two years were about having hours of duty into the hospital wherein we are able to interact with doctors and other health care professionals who have also their certain kind of duty to promote integrity of patient health care. I have studied every diseases and illnesses that takes a heavy burden to other people’s lives. I had studied where these diseases come from and what can we do to lessen patient morbidity and mortality. We are also encouraged to enhance our skills in patient interactions. We had also been trained to create nursing care plans which are composed of providing nursing assessments, nursing diagnosis, nursing interventions, and nursing evaluations to make some progression within our patient care. We had been exposed to several nursing specializations such as Emergency nursing, Medical Surgical nursing, Hemodialysis nursing, Cardiology nursing, Pediatric nursing, Geriatric nursing, and Public health nursing. All of these made us nurses versatile and skillful in every way to promote integrity in the health care system that we are working.

Random writer: /writer-helen