- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Aaron

Professional Writing Service Industry and Market Research

Why does my academic background qualify me?

Political science is a natural extension of my longstanding personal interest in American politics. However, my undergraduate political science courses taught me about much more than politics itself; they taught me how to read, interpret data, and write as a true social scientist. Moreover, these skills apply to many forms of social science beyond political science, which enable me to be a very versatile academic writer. The methodologies and habits of analysis that I learned in the context of political science, such as case studies, comparative analyses, quantitative surveying, and statistical analysis, can be applied to fields such as sociology, education, psychology, and history. I recognize that although content differs across fields, methodologies are often very similar. I will harness these skills as a writer for, which will allow me to tackle diverse and unfamiliar material when needed. Of course, although I do not have a degree in fields such as psychology and sociology, I did take classes in many of them. Thus, I am already familiar with many major theories and works in non-political branches of social science, which will no doubt be beneficial to my work for

Why does my professional experience qualify me?

Immediately after graduating from The George Washington University in 2008, I was hired at a major D.C.-based education and market research firm. I stayed with this company until 2013. The work I did had many similarities to academic writing. It consisted primarily of writing complex research reports on niche, unfamiliar topics ranging from market analyses, to literature reviews, to blog posts, all on very tight deadlines. To provide a sense of the workload, it was standard operating procedure to research and write a report every week, often of 50 pages or more. I was promoted multiple times during my three-year tenure due to my strong work performance, and easily produced multiple thousand pages of original research reports. Because of this experience, I not only understand how to consistently write high-quality research reports, but also how to professionally interact with clients, locate hard-to-find information, and deal with the rigors of working in a professional service industry. Additionally, my knowledge of market research itself will be applicable to many business-related assignments.

What do I know about the academic writing service industry, and why does that knowledge qualify me?

As I suspect many others did, I first learned of this industry from “Ed Dante’s” 2010 shadow scholar exposé. I was fascinated and intrigued. Since then, I have read his (Dave Tomar’s) book, digested most of the information and misinformation on, and absorbed other information where I could find it. I believe I have a fairly balanced view of the pros and cons of working in this industry, and yet I am still interested. I believe I have the existing knowledge to efficiently write in familiar disciplines, and the research chops to effectively learn and write in unfamiliar ones. I believe I have the patience to work with sometimes aggravating clients and the experience to know how to professionally and consistently produce quality works.

In summary, I have highly applicable academic credentials and knowledge, professional research and writing experience, and realistic expectations of the rewards and challenges of the job. I believe is a good fit thanks to its high standard of service, and if contracted with, I intend to further contribute to its strong reputation. I look forward to the challenge of academic writing, and thank you very much for your consideration!

Random writer: /writer-sunmade