- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Brandie

Diligent Writer

What led you to academic freelance writing?

In my years in higher education (four years as an undergraduate and two years on the graduate level), I have seen so many students struggle with their writing skills. Most of these students are intelligent, capable students who just have difficulty in putting their thoughts into words. That in itself is not unusual; let’s face it—most of us need a little help with a certain subject or area of study every once in a while! I began tutoring in writing and literature while an undergrad and found myself not only editing papers for grammatical issues and spelling mistakes, but offering new directions for the given topic. Meanwhile, I was also assisting several friends and classmates with assignments in their classes—some at my school, and some at other universities.

So why become a full-fledged academic writer?

Moving into the field of academic writing gives me the opportunity to continue assisting students in presenting coherent, strong work to their professors. But it’s not all selfless on my part—at the same, I get the pleasure of researching and writing about topics that I love, in addition to discovering new subjects that I may never have known about before! Not only that, but being an academic writer gives me the flexibility to control my own work schedule and allows me the freedom to work in an environment of my creation.

What distinguishes your work from that of other essay writers?

Having been on the teaching end of the equation, I know what I have always looked for in a student’s writing, and I know how to deliver a tightly-written, well-focused essay on almost any given topic. I’m not speaking just about the mechanics of writing, but the (excuse the term) soul behind it. I do not write dry academic papers—I always try to inject an element of originality, thoughtfulness, or wit into my work. Additionally, my own experiences in graduate studies have given me a strong background in researching skills and the ability to craft strong arguments and analyses on various topics, something that is undeniably vital to successful academic writing.

What are some of your areas of interest?

Of course, as an English major, I have always had a great love for literature, particularly the Elizabethan/Jacobean period of English literature, twentieth-century American literature, children’s and young adult literature, and literary theory. As an undergraduate, I also had concentrations in creative writing and women’s studies, so fiction writing, linguistics, feminist theory, and gender studies are especial interests of mine. I also enjoy writing about American and European history, the social sciences, the arts—art history and film analysis especially—library science, philosophy, and political science.

What can students expect when you complete an assignment for them?

I am a diligent writer who meets every deadline without fail. Students can expect to receive their work not only on time, but generally well before the deadline. Every paper I write is well-reasoned, clearly written, and 100% original. My work is never plagiarized, and I always strive to present new, innovative thought that is fully supported by relevant, solid sources.

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