- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Douglas

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Hi Douglas! What qualifications do you bring to Custom Essays?

I have over twenty years of experience writing academic papers in the humanities, and nearly twenty years of experience evaluating papers written by others. My experience grading papers gives me a special insight: I know first-hand how academic papers get read and evaluated by those who assign them. Since I have written successfully and spent a lot of time reading stacks of student papers I’m confident that I can help students to do their best on the assignments they face.

How did you decide to become a freelance academic writer?

I have loved writing and known that I had a talent for it since I won the “best writer” award in my 10th grade college composition class. I did well at an elite liberal arts college, earning an A+ on my senior thesis. Since then I have made my living in academia for nearly two decades, earning a PhD from a top program in my field and publishing many articles in academic journals along the way. I haven’t given up my academic career, but in the current economic climate, with universities tightening budgets and reducing staff sizes, freelance writing provides a good way for me to use my skills and do something that I enjoy.

What fields do you cover?

I can easily handle anything in the humanities---literature, philosophy, history, classics, and so on. I also have a substantial mathematics background, so I am not afraid to tackle assignments in more technical areas. I enjoy the challenge of a new writing project in a new area, not least because I love to learn and researching new writing projects allows me to indulge this love. I will also be glad to help with other projects, such as letters of application and resumes. Just point me at what I need to research and I’m ready to go!

How do you approach a new writing project?

It goes back to something I learned in that composition class I was mentioning: once the research is done, get something on the page and then revise it. I can honestly say that I have never suffered from writer’s block in my life. The important thing about writing and then revising is that it allows one to put one’s critical skills to work in the service of one’s creative impulses. We’re all better critics of writing than we are producers of it. The revision process turns the critic into the ally of the writer.

Tell us about your approach to research.

Where I am currently located I have easy access to two research university libraries. I also have online access to archives like J-Stor and most major academic publishing houses. In my own academic career I have had ample opportunity to learn the importance of thorough research and meticulous use and citation of sources. Before I put words to paper I go about making very sure that I have obtained the important sources in the field. As I am also, of course, an experienced reader, I can sift through a large quantity of source material in a timely manner.

What languages can you work with?

Although I wouldn’t sell my services as a writer in other languages, I can easily make use of sources in French and German.

How well do you work with deadlines?

I work well with them because I hate being rushed. I have never stayed up all night, or even all that late, to complete an assignment. I start early and work hard, with the result that I usually finish early, too. Customers can be certain that their orders will be complete on time.

Thank you for your time!

It’s been a pleasure.

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