- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Ioana

Marketing & Consulting

Hi Ioana, please tell us about your experience as a professional freelance writer.

I discovered my passion for researching and writing while I was studying for my Bachelor's degree. This has opened up my appetite for reading and analyzing news and information on a daily basis. For the last five years I have been writing and editing a lot of papers, from marketing and business plans to dissertations and research papers, for customers all around the world. Working as a professional writer gives me great satisfaction, by developing my critical thinking and analysis abilities in a professional setting, by giving me the opportunity to use my expertise to help others, and by stimulating me to continue learning.

How does academic writing help you grow personally and professionally?

My long term career objective is to provide branding/marketing consulting services to small and medium sized companies, and academic paper writing is the best possible training for this -- dealing with a variety of projects and challenges from different environments. I like to spend time reading business related publications and texts and to keep myself updated with everything that happens in marketing, branding, product innovation and not only, by following tens of feeds daily. I think in many ways my work with Student Research is similar to that of a consultant, having to use my expertise and to be in direct contact with clients, to identify their needs and to provide them with the best possible solution.

So you would trade writing for providing consulting services in the future?

No, as I see it the two activities go very well together and benefit one another. I absolutely love the flexibility of working for Student Research, and I wouldn't trade it for an office job. However, I do want to grow professionally in the future and to take on new challenges.

What kind of academic subjects to you cover?

I prefer assignments that enrich my business knowledge and challenge my analytical nature. Branding (including web branding), marketing, management, business, leadership or human resources are the topics I favor. However, my interests stretch further and at times I enjoy writing on topics I'm less familiar with in order to bring a fresh perspective, or to exercise a different type of reasoning.

What is the most challenging part of writing an academic paper for you?

Definitely choosing the most reliable and relevant texts to support a thesis and to guide analysis, considering the abundance of sources available in libraries and on the Internet. But this is also the most important part of the writing process for me, as it builds the backbone of a paper and gives it coherence and substance. I think that the ability to sort through a whole lot of unreliable sources and to build a personal collection of texts are two essential requisites for a professional writer.

What about the most rewarding part?

Well, I can be very critical with my work, and when I edit and proofread a paper and discover that it makes a good case -- that it presents a coherent flow of ideas and a substantiated conclusion -- I am satisfied. I also feel rewarded by the positive feedback I get from clients, and by the fact that along the years I have worked repeatedly with returning customers and have managed to exceed their expectations every time.

Thank you very much Ioana.

Always a pleasure!

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