- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Joe

Crime and History Writer

My career as a writing support specialist started by accident in the autumn of 1994. At the time, I was in a junior in high school and I needed a part-time job. One afternoon, a senior at my school approached me about writing the personal statement for his college application. The senior explained that he’d heard about my accomplishments in our school’s English program. He went on to say that he wanted to hedge his bets on being admitted to an elite university, and that he thought a strong personal statement could put him over the top with the admissions committee. After negotiating a reasonable price with the senior, I took the assignment and penned his personal statement. Within a week of completing the personal statement, I was approached by another senior who asked me to write a college admissions essay for him.

Ultimately, both seniors were admitted to their first-choice universities. From there, I was contacted by a wide array of students who needed writing support and my business morphed into a lucrative enterprise. By the time I received my high school diploma in May of 1996, I was cranking out, not just college essays and personal statements, but English and history research papers on a regular basis.

After high school, I continued writing model research papers for students at colleges and universities in my area. However, instead of focusing exclusively on English and history papers as I had in high school, I branched out into other disciplines. During my first two years of college, I researched and wrote model papers for courses ranging from philosophy to abnormal psychology to statistics to “Womyn’s” studies. Depending on the class, the number of citations needed, and the amount of research required, I priced my papers on a sliding scale. However, for all of the papers I wrote, I guaranteed my customers a full refund if their own projects based on my custom research didn’t receive a grade of B or higher. As it turned out, I never refunded one cent.

While working as a freelance essay writer on the side, I was able to explore a wide range of personal academic interests. These interests included nineteenth century American literature, physics, art, and criminology. Ultimately, I earned a bachelor’s degree in English and a Master’s degree in Criminal Justice. After finishing my graduate degree, I worked as a high school teacher for seven years. While teaching was rewarding for me in a myriad of ways, my dream was to become a true crime writer. In 2012, my dream became a reality when I completed my first true crime book. The book is slated for release in the summer of this year.

Although I haven’t written model academic research papers for profit in a number of years, both my research and writing skills are stronger than ever. The time I spent as a teacher gave me considerable insight into what instructors look for when they’re grading research papers. In addition, my wide range of intellectual and scholastic interests have endowed me with a breadth of knowledge which is extremely useful when writing papers and conducting research. Furthermore, I’m well-versed in many different citation styles, I work well when I’m faced with a tight deadline, I’m an excellent listener, and my work is always completed on or ahead of schedule. Each of the aforementioned qualities ensures that my writing customers are more than satisfied with the work I produce.

Academic essay writing is an art form. It requires subject matter expertise, an impeccable understanding of grammar and punctuation, keen research skills, linguistic creativity, and strong attention to detail. These are strengths that I have cultivated over the course of many years as a student, teacher, and writing support specialist. If given the opportunity, I can put these skills to work for and continue serving the academic writing needs of students across the nation.

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