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Research Writer Interview With Kalea

Freelance Job Board

It was the middle of the day and a representative from Editor For Hire had just arrived at the office building where Kalea worked. The woman's name was Jenny and she had come to perform a very informal interview on Kalea. After introductions were made the two women went into a vacant conference room near Kalea's office.

There were several questions that The Editor For Hire representative wanted to ask but the first, although not the most important was a question Kalea had often received. Jenny said, "What is the origin of your name?" Kalea reflected for a moment and then spoke, "I really don't know", was her reply. She continued by saying, "I am often asked that same question and I always tell myself that I need to investigate that issue but somehow I never do. The only thing I can say is that for my parent, who are extremely normal came up with it and believe me, it's the only unique thing they have ever done." The two women laughed and then Jenny went on to another question.

The next question posed was a more uniform and traditional question. Jenny asked, "How long have you been interested in custom essay writing for students?" Kalea responded almost immediately, "Well ever since I was a child. I've enjoyed scribbling things down and writing little prose, etc. Never have I envisioned myself as a novelist but I just enjoyed writing (essays, research papers, dissertations, etc.), it's just a hobby." Jenny accepted that answer and went on.

Jenny's next questions was very strait forward, "Why do you want to write for "Editor For Hire?" The answer that Kalea gave to Jenny at that point was only half what she expected. Kalea replied with, "Well, yes I would like to make extra money, but that is only part of the goal. The other part is to keep my business skills and knowledge in tune with what's going on in the business world and the world in general." Kalea, feeling she was not explaining herself well, went on to say, "When you graduate from college, what you took for granted can sometimes be forgotten. By that I mean the quest for knowledge. While in college we are always doing investigative work for one professor or another. But when we graduate sometimes we fall into this monotonous type of life where we barely read the paper. By helping students with reports I will not only be helping them finish writing assignments but they will be helping me by giving me new goals and as a result I will keep learning." Jenny sat back and said at that point, "Can you give me an example?" Kalea just laughed and volunteered not one but several examples. Kalea said, "I know a great deal about the business world. But sometimes I find myself lacking in the historical aspects of it or what some of the newest developments are and who's making them. By performing legitimate research, I will always be learning, and besides, no one knows everything."

The next question was not a work related questions but one of a personal nature. Jenny asked, "What is the most important thing in your life?" Kalea laughed again but not in total amusement but in the way that most people reacted when she talked about her men. Kalea finally answered the question, "Well I have three wonderful beautiful guys who live with me, and I must say they are equally the most important things in my life." Kalea waited and sure enough Jenny gave a very confused and bewildered look. Kalea went on to say, "Yes, those guys are my life, their names are "Bo", "Dakota" and "Storm". They are the most beautiful Black Labrador Retrievers you've ever seen." She went on to explain that both Bo and Storm had been adopted from a purebred shelter and Dakota had been rescued from an illegal breeding situation. Kalea shook her head. Jenny could only envision what thoughts were going through Kalea's mind as she realized that all three of them had been homeless at one point. Jenny knew it was just as Kalea said, these guys were very important to her.

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