Research Writer Interview With Matt
Helpful Writer & Editor
Hello Matt, thanks for taking time out to talk with us.
No problem at all.
How long have you been involved with academic writing?
I've been writing for as long as I can remember, really. Long before I was ever enrolled in elementary school I used to write stories with my grandfather. He was a novelist, so I picked up a love for the written word from him. As crazy as it may sound to some people, writing custom assignments and term papers were actually something I looked forward to while I was in school. I successfully obtained my Master's, so in total I've been writing academically for around twenty years.
How long have you been working with us?
I've been working as part of the Custom Research Report team for a little over a year now. During my time in school I helped out a great deal of my friends and acquaintances with many of their writing assignments, so I had a good deal of experience before joining the team. Now I'm self-employed and work online.
What do you think sets the Custom Research Report team apart from many of the other academic writing web sites?
Simply put, all of the work produced by our team is entirely original. Some of the other sites out there may charge less or offer quicker turnaround times, but that's usually because they are selling papers that are plagiarized or they sell the same paper over and over again. When students come to us they can rest assured the paper they get has no chance of being accused of plagiarism, and they get to communicate directly with the writer to work out any questions or problems they may have. In addition, we ask that the student indicate his or her level of writing ability when they come to us, so we are able to custom-write a model admission essay term paper, essay, or PhD dissertation that reads just like the student wrote it.
What types of custom writing assignments do you usually accept?
I try not to limit the topics of what I will or will not write about. If it's a subject that I feel I am capable of researching and producing a quality paper on, I will take it. The most important aspect of writing for our clients is making sure they are satisfied with the work. If I know that I won't be able to produce a paper meeting the client's expectations, I won't accept the assignment. However, during the year I've been working for this and other web sites I've produced countless papers in many different subjects such as biology, psychology, film theory, political science, history, literature, contemporary business, economics, and marketing. In addition to writing term papers, research papers, dissertations, and essays from scratch, I also edit work students have already written to ensure it is the best it can be when they start working on their own version of the essay.
How are you able to write on such a wide variety of subjects?
As I said before, I have many years of my own experience completing my Master's, and I have access to the university's library and electronic database. Writing is a process, and once you perfect this process it's just a matter of finding the right resources. I have access to extensive resources within the campus library, making my writing job much easier.
Some people claim that your service may hurt students rather than help them. What is your response to such statements?
I don't see how our service can hurt students in any way. Coming to us for help to complete certain written assignments does not in any way limit the amount of learning necessary for these students to earn their degrees. Writing undergraduate or graduate assignments are only a small portion of the educational process. These students still have to go to class, take tests, and perform presentations. If they don't learn the material, they don't pass - it's that simple. Furthermore, our service helps students by providing them with an example of quality academic writing for their future assignments should they choose to write the remainder of them on their own.
Thanks again for speaking with us, Matt.
Any time!