- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Ruth

Perfectionist In Editing and Writing

What do you feel are the benefits of having a proofreader/editor for educational and professional documents?

There are many benefits to having an unbiased custom proofreader/editor for every type of written document and correspondence. First of all, a proofreader/editor is far more likely to notice common typing errors that may have been missed by spelling and grammar tools, and also by the writer. It's very easy for a writer to miss mistakes because they already know in their mind the way a document should read. Another benefit is having a fresh perspective on things. An editor not only corrects GUMS (Grammar, Usage, Mechanics and Spelling), but also shines a new light on the work. A good editor can suggest different ways of presenting information that may not have occurred to the writer. The service of proofreading/editing is essential to having your work polished and professional.

You stress the importance of having "polished and professional" work. Is this an indicator of your own style of writing?

Definitely! I am a perfectionist when it comes to my work. Each component of writing must be present and properly utilized in order to give style and completeness to the work. I won't put my name on anything less, and I wouldn't give a client anything that I wouldn't accept.

Obviously you have a love of the many aspects of writing. How and when did you decide to focus your career on it?

I knew from an early age that English and Writing were going to be my career choice. During summer breaks I diagramed sentences and read novels for fun. I also began writing both fiction and nonfiction at a very early age. I then took that knowledge and love of the subject with me to my university where I studied a wide range of genres and earned my BA Degree in English. Even now while I am completing my MA, I am still very passionate about it all.

What prompted your interest in working for Model Research?

As you can tell, I have such enthusiasm for this type of thing. I love reading and I love the researching process. In addition, I also love sharing the knowledge I have with others. This is the perfect opportunity for me. I can do what I do best and help others at the same time. I also understand that students today are "over scheduled". Between work, classes, and homework, students don't have time for a social life -- much less the process of locating, compiling, organizing and creating two or more custom research papers a semester. With this service, I will be able to lighten some of the burden students face by providing them with quality work that they will be able to learn from and model in their own work.

When it comes to writing custom research papers, what areas are you most comfortable in? Are there any topics you won't do?

I am most comfortable writing custom essays or term papers over literature. I have studied everything from Beowulf to Morrison. I have had specialized classes in Shakespeare and Chaucer, as well as Faulkner. There really isn't a literature paper that I wouldn't happily write. I'm sure there are some areas that I would choose not to write over, but the great thing about the research process is that even when the topic or subject changes, the process does not. Because I am so comfortable writing research papers, I am very versatile in the subject matter. I have custom written papers over math, history, geography, botany, women's issues, etc.

As you point out, the process of doing research is an essential part of completing a successful paper. Tell us what services you have access to that ensures you will locate relevant and sufficient sources.

Physically I have access to two community college libraries as well as my university library. I also have access to sources through the internet at Questia, Brittanica, E-library, Due-Now and Edlibrary. As you can see, I have more than adequate access to sources. If I can't find it - it doesn't exist! :) I also have my own reference materials that cover every different writing style, format and editing technique.

Any last thoughts you'd like to share with us about yourself and your freelance essay writing?

I'd like to emphasize the tremendous importance of writing in every aspect of our lives. Proper and effective communication is necessary for success in everything we undertake. Never underestimate the power of a well (and custom) written term paper, letter, email, essay, critique, book report, research paper, etc. I'd like to think that I am helping students realize this importance by providing them with an excellent example effective writing, or by improving their own custom writing with my editing skills.

Thank you for your time and good luck working with Model Research!

Thank you and I look forward to a successful career doing what I love to do. Enjoy your day!

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