- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Susan

A Chance To Learn, Write, And Research

Hello Susan. How did you start writing?

I started writing when I was very young (I was one of those kids that kept a diary), and sent off my first piece of work for possible publishing when I was about ten years old - it was a dismal failure. However, I persevered, and did have a play that I'd written produced by the school drama group, and a couple of small pieces published in our local newspaper. But it wasn't until my last child started attending school that I finally decided that I was going to try and write more seriously. I decided, therefore, to try to write as a professional freelancer, pitching magazines, web sites, and journals, with the target of not just making money, but also stretching my brain through doing something that I loved to do.

The reasons for the decision, besides a life-long passion for writing, were pretty much dictated by circumstances. I'd spent over eighteen years raising my children, which meant that I had a desperate lack of experience, and outdated qualifications, so I knew that I'd have problems re-entering any professional field. And, I was also the wife of a Pastor, whose mission did not accept the principle of wives working outside of the family, or church sphere, and which, therefore, dictated that it would have to be something that could be worked on from home. And, there was also where we lived: France may well be considered as the dream destination for many people wanting to escape the rat-race that accompanies modern life, but its unemployment statistics are amongst some of the worst in Europe, and within my little corner, work of any kind is almost non-existent.

What was the result of your first working years as a writer?

I was lucky in that I sold the first few articles that I wrote immediately, which gave me a lot of inner strength when later going through the long periods of selling nothing. I did sometimes feel like giving up. But, after time, work became more regular, and I was fortunate enough to have a steady income that, although not enough to warrant the hours I was putting into my craft, still gave me a tremendous sense of self worth.

And what brought you to custom academic writing?

Pure chance. I was searching for writing opportunities on the internet when I came across several advertisements for academic writers - I'd never even heard of such a thing. However, after having read through the principles, I liked the idea immediately. Not only did the prospect hold the positive element of regular money, but also there was the chance to learn, write, and research - all things that I find highly enjoyable, and productive.

And what has been your experience of this form of writing since then?

I've actually been working in this field for almost six months and now, and write for several different on-line companies. When I took my first assignment, I was concerned that my research methods, critical thinking, and writing abilities, might not be as good as the required standard. And, I can remember sitting at my desk, with butterflies in my tummy, while wondering what on earth I had let myself in for.

However, although I've had some revision on completed papers, it's been very insignificant in comparison to the amount of assignments that I've completed, and I absolutely love the job and every thing it involves. I have, I think, found my niche in life.

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