- Professional Academic Freelance Writer Profiles

Research Writer Interview With Venus

Writing About Nearly Anything

What first interested you about becoming a freelance writer?

I’ve always loved writing. I get a lot of satisfaction from developing a well-written piece, whether it’s web content or an academic paper. I’d been writing for most of my life, since grade school really, so moving into the professional realm just seemed like the next logical step.

And what is it about academic writing specifically that appeals to you?

I enjoy the high standard that’s required of most academic writing. It has to be much more precise than most other forms of writing, and I like that challenge. I also have always thoroughly enjoyed conducting research, and academic writing is the best outlet for that.

Do you have any preferred topics about which you like to write?

Well, I’m currently an International Relations major, so anything related to politics or foreign affairs is definitely my favorite. However, as I mentioned before, I love research, so I welcome the opportunity to write about nearly anything. Even if it’s a topic with which I’m not familiar, I’m sure that my research experience will point me to the right information and I’ll be able to develop and excellent academic paper.

Is there anything you’re not willing to write about?

I can’t think of a topic about which I wouldn’t be willing to research and write, but there are certain types of assignments I’d be hesitant to take. Like a Master’s thesis, for example. I’d be eager to help someone research and develop this type of paper, but ultimately it’s meant to be a sort of culmination of a person’s work, research and study. With that in mind, I think the final product needs to be written by the person him/herself.

What types of things have you written during your long freelance career?

You name, I’ve probably written it! I’ve developed web content for international companies, marketing material for industries ranging from real estate to software development, and full-length articles about everything from eating disorders to the environment.

Being a student yourself, how do you balance your own writing needs with those of your clients?

I learned years ago just how much work I can handle. I’m too picky about the quality of my writing to take on too much at one time. It’s important to me that every project is excellent, and that can’t happen if I allow myself to get overloaded. Sometimes, unfortunately, that means turning down potential work. But the extra money I might earn just isn’t worth it to me if the quality of my work suffers as a result.

How do you feel about the fact that your clients will pay you and then put their names on the finished products?

That’s the reality of freelance writing, and it doesn’t bother me. Whether I’m writing web content, a blog post or a full-length article, once I’m paid for my services, the final product becomes the property of my client. I know that going into the project, and wouldn’t expect it to be any other way.

Not even for academic papers?

No. My hope is that people who use this service do so just because they need a little help. As a student, I’ve learned that the process of writing an academic paper is an invaluable part of developing one’s own voice. My opinions, and my willingness to voice those opinions, have been developed – at least in part – by writing papers. But every now and then, everybody needs some help. The right combination of classes can mean that a student is practically buried under a mountain of work and just needs some assistance getting un-buried.

Random writer: /writer-liana